Friday, November 30, 2018


Real Name : Tseng Wan Hua
Stage Name : Tseng Kuan Ting
English Name : Vicky
Country : Taiwan
Place Of Birth : Taipei, Taiwan
Date Of Birth : May 5, 1982
Height : 168cm
Profession : Actress
Trivia :
- Originally her family was rich but got cheated resulting in her growing up in debt
- A graduate of Hua Kang Arts School in Taiwan
- Made her acting debut in 1998 and to date has acted in close to 40 dramas
- She launched her own line of beauty products in 2018 called "CHWANME"

Thursday, November 8, 2018


Name : Ho Po Sang
English Name : Timmy
Country : Hong Kong
Date Of Birth : November 15, 1967
Height : 178cm
Religion : Buddhist
Marital Status : Sing
Profession : Monk/Ex-Actor
Trivia :
- Came from an affluent family background
- Graduated from a university in Canada in computer studies
- After graduation, returned to Hong Kong, released an album
- Joined TVB Artistes Training Class in 1990
- Has filmed more than 20 dramas with TVB
- Scouted to host a TV show even before completing the acting course
- Ended contract with TVB in 1997
- In 2000, went for a bicycle ride across New Zealand in aid for orphans and disabled people
- With fame and wealth, he was leading unhealty lifestyle, gambling, indulging in luxuries
- In 2005 after realizing his mistakes, he decided to become a monk
- His whereabout was unknown until the monastery he was staying was broken into by a thief
- He was residing in a remote Bao Lin monastery in Lantau Island then
- Left the monastery in 2010 and had been seen travelling around the world
- In 2010 he was spotted in New Zealand and in 2012 was seen in Canada
- Since then, there has been any news on him
- On becoming a Buddhist, it started with his fear for ghost. In and interview in 1992, he said He was afraid of ghost since he was a little boy and slept with his father as he was afraid to sleep alone. When he returned to Hong Kong from Canada, knowing his fear for ghost, his mother gave him a copy of Heart Sutra to read. After reading the Heart Sutra, he discovered he didn't have to fear for ghost and many of the teachings of Buddhism are consistent with his outlook on life. Since then he started to read more on Buddhism and became a devout Buddhist. His devotion for Buddhism became more in 1996 after being influenced by Wong Wai, who was his co-star of a drama he was shooting then

Illustrations showing what happened during the theft of the Baolin temple

Baolin Monastery in Lantau Island. His days started at 3am with chanting and meditation.In the afternoon he worked on a little farm, carrying water and cleaning the monastery compound. From 5pm to 9pm, he continued meditation and studied the sutras.

In 2008, a thief broke into the monastery and after stealing a gold bracelet in the main hall he proceeded into the guest hall. Timmy who was sleeping upstairs heard some noises and went down to check and spotted the thief

The thief tried to flee but was stopped by Timmy. Timmy used a broom to overcome him.. Timmy who had learned martial arts before could have subdued the thief easily but with the non violence nature of a monk, he was unable to catch the thief and instead got hit on his left forearm and fell down. The thief took this opportunity to escape. Before fleeing, the thief turned back and insulted him. He lodged a police report but refused to be taken to the hospital after being bandaged by a medical personnel from an ambulance.

Police investigation revealed that the thief stole a gold bracelet hung over the left hand of Guan Yin statue in the main prayer hall before proceeded to the guest all  where he was spotted by Timmy who was in his room upstairs. Apparently a gold chain was also stolen 6 months earlier and the temple had advised devotees not to place anymore gold bracelet on the statue. This incident exposed his whereabout which until then was unknown even to his parents

In 2008, together with fellow actor Law Kar Ying, he appeared in a series of Buddhist Parables