Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Name : Lam Tsun Yin
English Name : Wilson
Country : Australia / Hong Kong
Date Of Birth : October 23, 1960
Height : 185cm
Marital Status : Married with a daughter and a son
Profession : Actor/Producer
Trivia :
- Born and grew up in Hong Kong
- His father used to work at Australian Consulate in Hong Kong
- Was not good at studies but excelled in sports
- After leaving school, played basketball for Hong Kong for 1 year
- Enrolled into TVB Artistes Training Class in 1982
- Joined TVB as an actor, left the station in 1993 for Taiwan
- Retired from acting in 1996, established business in China
- Established a production company in China in 2013
- Daughter joined acting world in 2015
- Returned to acting in 2017

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