Saturday, October 6, 2018


Name : Lee Mei Fung
English Name : Elizabeth
Date Of Birth : August 31, 1963
Height : 164cm
Profession : Actress (Retired)/Beauty Products Spokesperson
Marital Status : Married with a pair of twins
Country : Hong Kong
Trivia :
- Born in Hong Kong. Age 15, emigrated to Canada with family
- Attended Simon Fraser University (Economics) in Canada
- Returned to Hong Kong and joined Miss Hong Kong pageant in 1997
- Won 1st Runnersup in the pageant
- Her reign as beauty queen jump started her into acting and hosting
- Debut acting in drama and movie in the same year , 1987
- She was known for her electrifying eyes
- Secretly married in Canada in 1990 but marriage lasted only 5 years
- Re-married to a Taiwanese businessman in 1996, announced retirement

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